How Understanding Buyer Behaviour Can Power Your Sales Career

9 mins

Understanding buyer behaviour is fundamental to your success in graduate sales jobs and your...

By Pareto Team


Understanding buyer behaviour is fundamental to your success in graduate sales jobs and your whole career in sales. A significant aspect of sales psychology, consumer buying behaviour encompasses the actions and influences of why a person or business purchases a product or service. Spanning both business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B), harnessing these buyer preferences and purchasing patterns can benefit your sales career.

This guide will explore the intricacies of consumer buying behaviour, answering the question, ‘What is Buyer Behaviour?’ before exploring how you can harness this understanding to enhance interactions, drive conversions, and build lasting customer relationships throughout your career in sales. 

In this guide, we’ll explore the following:

  • What is Buyer Behaviour?

  • How to Harness Buyer Behaviours in Your Career in Sales

What is Buyer Behaviour?

Knowing the answer to the question, 'What is buyer behaviour?' is essential for graduate sales jobs. Buyer behaviour plays a significant part in sales psychology and surrounds the various steps a consumer takes when buying products and services. From the cognitive stages of preferences and reviewing the product or service through to the actual purchase and usage, consumer buying behaviour encompasses many intricacies of the consumer.

As you progress in your sales career, it's important to know that buyer behaviour is closely linked with marketing, the analysis of how consumers think and the emotions and behaviours they display throughout their purchasing journey. With this comes how buyers research and inquire about a company's products and services and how they interact and engage with marketing resources and sales professionals.

Along with B2C sales, the concept of consumer buying behaviour also relates to B2B sales. Here, decisions regarding the investment into products and services are made through collective groups or leaders within an organisation. 

With both B2B and B2C sales, decisions will be made and influenced by buyer behaviour factors such as: 

  • Price of the product or service 

  • Quantity needed

  • Is the product or service a seasonal purchase or a limited-time offer?

  • Morals, values and personal beliefs of the consumer

  • Location of the consumer - is the product or service available to them?

  • Available payment methods and payment plans for the consumer

Understanding consumer buying behaviour can help you navigate the sales psychology of your clients and prospects. Understanding this can help you determine what motivates your customers to buy from an organisation and what makes them loyal to a particular brand. 

Four Types of Buyer Behaviours

As you embark on the latest sales graduate jobs and learn to understand buyer behaviours, it’s also essential to know the four main types of consumer buying behaviours. Buyers come with different behaviours based on their specific needs, preferences, and concerns regarding the product or service. 

Knowing how to distinguish these traits is highly valuable for tailoring your sales approach and strategies throughout your sales career. So, let's explore the four most notable types of buyer behaviours.

  1. Complex Buyer Behaviour

The first primary type of consumer buying behaviour worth highlighting is known as complex buyer behaviour. This type of behaviour often involves a consumer taking caution over investing in a product or service due to the perceived risks predominantly associated with high-value and expensive purchases. These products and services typically include the purchase of cars, houses, or educational courses such as university degrees.  

Consumers often conduct extensive research into the product or service, including consulting with specialists in the area, such as sales professionals. They compare the options available carefully before deciding to purchase the one that best suits their needs. 

  1. Dissonance-Reducing Buyer Behaviour

Dissonance-reducing behaviour is a type of buyer behaviour in which the consumer looks for products or services that meet their specific needs. This type often occurs when there are limited options available on the market. It is typically found when purchasing items for one-off projects or hobbies, such as specific sporting goods.  

With this type of consumer buying behaviour, buyers will be heavily part of the decision-making process and will often base their purchase on factors such as:

  • Convenience to them and their needs

  • Budget constraints, when met with limited choices or alternatives

  • Availability on the market

  1. Habitual Buyer Behaviour

The clues in the name of this type of buyer behaviour. Habitual buyer behaviour is defined as the repeat purchasing of a product or service based on routine patterns or habits. Buyers will show minimal involvement in the decision-making process, typically choosing the product or service which is the least expensive or most familiar to them.

Habitual buyer behaviour can be seen in purchasing everyday essentials such as food and drink. For example, in a weekly shop, a consumer will often choose the same type of cereal, showing less interest in researching or trying alternative options.

  1. Variety-Seeking Buyer Behaviour

Variety-seeking is the last but not least buyer behaviour with mentioning. This type involves people looking for new and varied experiences in their purchases. These consumers enjoy exploring different brands, not necessarily because they dislike the current brand they invest in but simply because they’re interested in trying something new. 

This type of consumer buying behaviour is common with products or services that are less expensive or offer greater value for money, such as food and drink, clothing, and cosmetics. These types of consumers show less brand loyalty and are happy to frequently try different brands based on a need for variety, curiosity or value for money.

Sales professionals, especially those preparing for graduate sales jobs, should invest heavily in understanding the influences of buyer behaviour and its four main types. This knowledge can enhance customer interactions, drive sales, and attract and retain customers. 

Let’s now explore how you can harness your understanding of buyer behaviours in your sales career.

How to Harness Buyer Behaviours in Your Career in Sales

Harnessing the understanding of buyer behaviours can do wonders for your career in sales. By tailoring your sales approach to specific buyer types, you can get more out of your customer interactions, increase your conversions and boost your sales success. From conducting comprehensive research, utilising tools and data and defining buyer personas to customising marketing strategies and optimising the customer journey, here are the steps you can take to harness buyer behaviours.

Conduct Comprehensive Research on Buyer Behaviour

One way to get a step closer to harnessing your understanding of consumer buying behaviours is to conduct extensive research on the market relevant to the product or service you're selling. Here, you could review existing data regarding your or your team's sales performance. With this information, you can gain a clearer insight into customer buying patterns, preferences and motivations surrounding their purchases.

As you research buyer behaviour, you could also conduct surveys with your existing customer base. This approach would allow you to gain direct and valuable feedback regarding what influenced your clients to invest in your products or services. It may also show you what made them decide not to purchase from you. Conducting comprehensive research will help you tailor your sales approach to your specific buyer personas.  

Utilise Tools and Data to Inform Sales Strategies

Closely linked with our previous point, another way you can harness your understanding of consumer buying behaviour is to make use of available tools and data. You can utilise automation and software tools to analyse vast datasets to help visualise and segregate customer purchasing patterns. 

Additionally, you could liaise with the wider business, leaning on departments such as marketing, who may have valuable customer data you could utilise. With this added insight, you can identify new opportunities to enhance your sales strategies and bolster your existing accounts. You can also use this data to adapt your sales approach and make more informed decisions supporting your sales career's growth and success.  

Define Buyer Personas

Another way to harness your understanding of buyer behaviours in your sales career is to design and define your buyer personas. You can do this by using the tools, analysis, and research outlined in our previous points to segment your target buyers based on interests, demographics, locations, buying patterns and other distinguishing factors. 

When you work on defining and leveraging buyer personas, you’ll likely have more than one persona. That's fine. Defining your buyer personas with an understanding of consumer buying behaviour is all about pinpointing your ideal customer base and tailoring your sales approach to each market segment. 

Customise Marketing Strategies Based on Buyer Behaviour

As you progress in your sales career, you’ll quickly learn how sales and marketing go hand-in-hand. So, once you’re equipped with the research, insights and analysis, you’ll have the resources to tailor your marketing strategies to the different types of buyer behaviours. Additionally, once you’ve defined your buyer personas, you can determine which communication channels and content formats your different personas engage with. 

With this information regarding consumer buying behaviours, you can liaise with your company's marketing specialists and sales team to customise your marketing strategies. You can also ensure that promotional materials showcasing your products and services appeal to your ideal buyers to enhance engagement and increase conversions.

Map and Optimise the Customer Journey

Our final point on how you can harness your understanding of buyer behaviour in your sales career is to map and optimise your customer's journey. This mapping and optimisation should span the complete purchasing lifecycle to see how your customers interact with your brand, from awareness to post-buying. By doing so, you can identify the key stages of your sales process where prospects opt out or disengage with the process. 

You can refine your sales approach using analytical tools and data mentioned throughout this section. Additionally, you can optimise your buying process by offering relevant marketing content and support when needed to entice consumers at stages where they may have previously decided not to buy. By mapping and optimising the customer journey, you can streamline your sales strategies, identify consumer needs and deliver more personalised customer experiences.

Power Your Sales Career by Understanding Buyer Behaviour 

Overall, understanding buyer behaviour is essential if you’re looking for success in your career in sales. In this guide, we’ve explored the intricacies of consumer buying behaviour, including buyers' preferences and purchasing patterns in both the B2C and B2B markets. 

We’ve also highlighted that by researching, utilising data insights, defining buyer personas, customising marketing strategies, and optimising your customer journey, sales professionals like you can enhance interactions, drive sales, and build customer loyalty - ultimately helping you establish a long-term and successful sales career.

If you found this insight useful, check out Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding Sales Jargon.

Looking to Realise Your Potential With Graduate Sales Jobs?

If you're eager to demonstrate your understanding of buyer behaviours in real-world scenarios, then it's time you enrol on the latest sales graduate jobs. With over 25 years of experience supporting top talent to realise their potential, we're best placed to help you find the role to jump-start your sales career.

Contact us today and find your perfect fit with our latest graduate sales jobs. 

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